RESPONSORIAL PSALM: You are my inheritance, O Lord!

THIS SUNDAY’S MASS: For Deceased members of Hungarian Girl Scout Troop 33.


November  19 Monday  9:00   AM No Mass
Novemebr  21 Wednesday  9:00   AM No Mass
November  23 Friday  9:00   AM No Mass
November 24 Saturday  5:00   PM For Julia Mrázik, by Marika Zsula
November 25


Sunday 11:00  AM


For living and deceased members of Lacza and Varkoly Families, by Family

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: Special donation from Daniel Deighton$250.;

Donations for Christmas Lights $450.; In memory of John & Ildiko Kőrössy $50. from Krisztina Simpson; and In memory of Marta Kudriczy Főrdös $100. from Family.


ANYONE WISHING TO RECEIVE THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM OR CONFIRMATION, or SICK VISITATION, please contact the Rectory.    CONFESSIONS  before each Mass and by appointment.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED, especially Laszló Zala jr. (in Hungary).

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially : Bev Kimar, Anna Padar, Magda Szőcs, Béla Tarmann.


WARMEST WELCOME to Father Richard Bona, who is celebrating Mass for us this weekend.  Thank you for coming.


SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: MADELINE RENEÉ PAIK received the sacrament of Baptism at our church last weekend.  Let us pray for her and for her happy parents, Éva Dömötörffy Paik and Woodrow Paik.

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Last weekend in our church, two couples exchanged vows of matrimony:

One couple, Gustave Molnar and Lauren Leonbruno and the other couple Jennifer Deighton and John Michael Farkas.  We extend our sincerest congratulations to the happy couples. Let us pray for them, may God shower them with graces.

THIS COMING WEEK: The Hungarian Association invites all to the annual Hungarian Congress November 23-24 held at the Hilton Garden Inn (1100 Carnegie Ave.). For details please see their website www.hungarianassociation.com  or the program flyers in the vestibule. Free admission to most presentations, roundtable discussions, films, children’s programs, cultural programs, and book and art exhibits both days.   Admission to the Musical Program Friday evening is $10.

TODAY — SECOND COLLECTION :   Catholic Campaign for Human Development.  Please be generous.

OBITUARY: Mr. David Perez, father of Bishop Nelson Perez died peacefully on November 5th at the hospice center where he has been getting excellent care for the past week.  Bishop Perez travelled to Florida to attend to his family and the funeral. The bishop requests that you pray for the repose of the soul of his father and keep his family in your prayers. May Mr. Perez rest in the peace of Christ.

Repeat from last Sunday’s bulletin:  PLEASE NOTE THAT I (Fr. András) WILL BE IN HUNGARY NOV. 12 – 28.  The reason for my travel is to participate in the Hungarian Diaspora Conference, as requested by Bishop Dr. Ferenc Cserháti to represent the Catholic American Hungarian community of Cleveland.  For spiritual guidance or emergency during this time, please contact Fr. Richard Bona at 216-749-2323 (Mary Queen of Peace Parish) or Fr. András Antal at 440-857-0096. 

The weekend Masses will be at the usual times. For the weekend of Nov. 24-25, Fr. László Balogh from St. Laszló Parish in Passaic N.J. will celebrate Mass here.  He will also present a lecture “ Moral standards in a liberal society” at the Hungarian Congress here in Cleveland on Friday, Nov. 24  at 1PM.   Please welcome him warmly!

Ez a bejegyzés olvasható Hungarian nyelven is.

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