Please, check out the Hungarian section (link at the bottom) as well, as some Hungarian related news or information may be found only there.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.
9 AM: Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish
11:00 AM: Andrea Szabolcs, Krisztina Szabolcs, by Éva Dömötörffy
May | 6 | Monday | 9:00 AM | Holy Souls in Purgatory |
May | 7 | Tuesday | 9:00 AM | Kathy Justin |
May | 8 | Wednesday | 9:00 AM | Jenő Vancsa, by the Karácsony Family |
May | 9 | Thursday | 9:00 AM | Jolán Prófusz |
May | 10 | Friday | 9:00 AM | Celebrant’s Intention |
May | 11 | Saturday | 5:00 PM | Theresa Kalasz, by Renee Boronka |
May | 12 | Sunday | 9:00 AM | Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish |
May | 12 | Sunday | 11:00 AM | Viktor Falk, by the Harmat Family |
FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: (1) I became aware of the fact that scammers are trying to impersonate me via email and trick people to enter into conversation with them. It seem they read our bulletins and are trying to fabricate a believable story. One of the giveaway signs is that they are asking you to respond to the email only and not call me personally to verify. Also, please, never click on a link (if you hover with a mouse over the link without clicking on it, you can see the whole link and you can easily spot that it is a suspicious link). Furthermore, never buy the requested gifts cards, even if the request comes from the parish’s or my email (it could be hacked). If it is an unusual email, be suspicious; if you are hurried and urgently asked to click or make a decision, never do so. This is important to keep in mind especially if we are distracted or busy, as in those moments our guards can be down.
(2) Thank you very much to all those who helped organize and carry out the last week’s Mass and gathering at the Shrine of St. Elizabeth. We had a good turnout and the Mass and event went well. At the event, we had an alumna of St. Elizabeth School, who graduated from in 1943!
(3) The music at the next Sunday Mass will be provided by our Youth Choir.
(4) Blessed Mother’s Day to those who celebrate it on the first Sunday of May.
(5) This Monday is the 49th anniversary of the death of Venerable József Cardinal Mindszenty. This month of May is also the 50th anniversary of his visit to Cleveland. As you may know, in February of 2019, the Holy Father recognized Mindszenty’s heroic exercise of virtue, and approved for him the title “Venerable” (also referred to as the Servant of God). This is the last step before beatification. Now we are waiting for a miracle, a sign form heaven. This miracle must be in response to our intercession to him. I know that we have people with so many needs among us, why not ask the Venerable Mindszenty for his help? Below, I am posting a general prayer for his canonization.
MAY 19 – BENEFIT LUNCH AT ST. EMERIC CHURCH HALL: On this day we will hold a charity benefit luncheon. The lunch begins at 12:30 p.m. Menu: Hungarian style fresh green pea soup, chicken paprikash with traditional dumplings (nokedli), Hungarian style cucumber salad, homemade pastry, coffee. Refreshing drinks are also available. If you would like to participate, please call one of the following ladies by May 15 (Take out pre-orders also accepted): Marika Zsula 216-676-5863 or Mária Mészáros 440-331-0391. For adults $25, for students $12, and children under 6 free. Additional donations for this cause are also most welcome.
NEXT SUNDAY, MAY 12, MAY CROWNING: We will honor our Heavenly Mother on the second Sunday of the month of May. We ask that children who would like to participate, come dressed in their Sunday best, girls preferably in white or pastel dresses. A meeting for the children to go over the details will be 15 minutes before the Mass on Sunday, May 12.
KIDS’ CORNER: Do you know what the picture on the front of the bulletin is about? (The answer is found in today’s readings.)
BLESSED GISELA (May 7): the Bavarian duchess was born around 980. Her parents were Henry II, Duke of Bavaria and Gisela of Burgundy. She was raised by Saint Wolfgang of Regensburg, Benedictine monk. Gisela was to become a nun but when she was asked to marry Stephen, she accepted. Thus she married the son of Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians, in 996. In her new country, Gisela played a fundamental role in spreading the Christian faith and the Western Culture. She founded churches, convents, and provided them with liturgical objects and with vestments that she herself had made. Her marriage with Stephen was characterised by mutual admiration and affection. Gisela often accompanied her husband on his journeys around the country, accepting the difficulties thereof. She was merciful and generous with the poor. The chronicles praise her meekness, charity and deep piety. Following the death of her son and her husband, she was treated unjustly, even shamefully, however, she bore it patiently and humbly. At last she returned to Bavaria with her attendants, and she joined the Benedictine convent in Passau. She became abbess and died there in 1059. She is widely venerated both in Bavaria and in Hungary. Her tomb is a destination of pilgrims. She was beatified in 1975.
LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: Collection: $1,965; Maintenance: $200; in loving memory of Victoria Pataky: $220; Renovation Fund: $328. May God reward your generosity in supporting the church. Thank you for sending in your donations by mail or using our website
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially for Bev Kimar, Teréz Kalász, Lajos Boday, Márta Takács, Zsuzsanna Hunyadi, Kathy Szabó, Dorothy Fromhercz, Alex Szaday, Virginia Kachmar, Margaret Falk, and Mária Hokky.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen
THIS SUNDAY the 11:00 AM Mass from St. Emeric church will be livestreamed at and
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