RESPONSORIAL PSALM: My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.


9AM: Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish

11AM: Gizella, Zsófia Horváth, by Margit Csiszár


November 13 Monday 9:00 AM Matthew Schnur (special intention), by the Family
November 14 Tuesday 9:00 AM Attila Szigethy, by the Family
November 15 Wednesday 9:00 AM Matthew Schnur (special intention), by the Family
November 16 Thursday 9:00 AM István Székely, by the Karácsony Family
November 17 Friday 9:00 AM Bp. Gilbert Sheldon
November 18 Saturday 5:00 PM All the Faithful Departed
November 19 Sunday 9:00 AM Anna Kacsala, by Mary Spisak
November 19 Sunday 11:30 AM (At St. Elizabeth Shrine!!!) Victor & Charlotte Falk,
by Ildikó Peller

FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: (1) Please note that next Sunday the usual Hungarian Mass will be at the Shrine of St. Elizabeth at 11:30am in conjunction with the celebration of the Feast of St. Elizabeth. On that day, November 19, we will have only the English Mass (9AM) at St. Emeric.

(2) A big thank you to all of you who helped with or supported our patronal feast. I know that it takes a lot of work and sacrifice. I received many compliments from the people for the atmosphere and the food that day.

(3) The results of the November 7th voting are in and it is very sad. Issue 1 was not defeated and the consequence is that late term abortion will become legal in Ohio, parental rights will be restricted and health standards for women will be relaxed. It took $35 million in out-of-state funding and ads filled with fear and deceit to push through this most radical abortion agenda in the country. Humanity has lost. However, we are not giving up and we must continue to offer a pro-life witness. The world needs to be saved from itself and it can be done only through our Lord Jesus Christ and our courage to stay with Him even in the darkest hours.

(4) A note on the sign of peace: the ritual expression of the gift of peace at Mass is not mandatory. Therefore, if the priest does not invite the congregation to exchange the sign of peace, it should not be done. Theologically, the sign of peace is not a liturgical form of “good morning,” but a witness to the Christian belief that true peace is a gift of Christ’s death and resurrection. “This peace of the risen Lord is invoked, preached and spread in the celebration of Mass, even by means of a human gesture lifted up to the realm of the sacred. In the Latin rite, the exchange of peace comes after the consecration because it refers to “the ‘paschal kiss’ of the risen Christ present on the altar.” It comes just before the breaking of the bread during which “the Lamb of God is implored to gives us his peace.” (Quotations from the circular letter of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments on the ritual expression of the gift of peace at Mass, 2014)

ELIZABETH FEAST DAY CELEBRATION WILL BE NOVEMBER 19: Solemn Bilingual Mass at 11:30 AM followed by dinner. Dinner Menu: Cucumber salad; Bread; butter; Chicken Paprikas with Dumplings; Dessert, coffee. Cost: $25 for adults, for students $10, for children under 5 free. Please make your reservations by Wednesday November 15, by calling Virginia Kachmar (home: 216-791-6270 or cell: 216-246-2370) or Ilonka Hudak at 440-944-1384.

ONLINE HELP: The Altar Guild and the parish are looking for a volunteer, who would be able to help sell some of our items (e.g., bazaar items, books) online for the support of the parish.

A UNIQUE PROGRAM TO STRENGTHEN AND HEAL YOUR MARRIAGE: – Beginning January 26, 2024. The Retrouvaille program is designed to help married couples develop improved ways of communicating and relating to each other in order to overcome challenges which have left them feeling frustrated, hurt, distant, or even hopeless. Retrouvaille, which means rediscovery, is supported by the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, and is open to couples of all faiths. This program consists of a weekend experience and six follow up sessions. For more information concerning the program, or to register, visit or call Shelly or Rob at 216.509.0301 or 440.836.4810.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: Collection: $2,423; All Saints: $266; in honor of St. Emeric: $1,485; income from the St. Emeric Dinner: $3,517; maintenance: $400. May God reward your generosity in supporting the church. Thank you for sending in your donations by mail or using our website

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially for Bev Kimar, Teréz Kalász, Lajos Boday, Márta Takács, Zsuzsanna Hunyadi, Albert Kovács, Kathy Szabó, Kamilla Szabó, Dorothy Fromhercz, Alex Szaday, Virginia Kachmar, and Victor and Margaret Falk.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED, especially for Jolán Prófusz who died on November 5 and was buried from St. Emeric this past Saturday. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen

THIS SUNDAY the 11:00 AM Mass from St. Emeric church will be livestreamed at and


Ez a bejegyzés olvasható Hungarian nyelven is.

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