Solemnity of SAINT EMERIC – November 5, 2023

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: LORD, teach me your statutes.


9AM: All the Faithful Departed

11AM: Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish


November 6 Monday 9:00 AM Matthew Schnur (special intention), by the Family
November 7 Tuesday 9:00 AM † Members of Kacsala & Spisak Families, by Mary Spisak
November 8 Wednesday 9:00 AM Terez Dunai, by Anna Ručinská
November 9 Thursday 9:00 AM Matthew Schnur (special intention), by the Family
November 10 Friday 9:00 AM Celebrant’s Intention
November 11 Saturday 5:00 PM Erzsébet Keresztes, by the Karácsony Family
November 12 Sunday 9:00 AM Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish
November 12 Sunday 11:00 AM Gizella, Zsófia Horváth, by Margit Csiszár

FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: (1) A little trivia. Did you know that today we actually celebrate the patronal feast day of both our parish and the church? Usually when there is the same name for both, not much thought is given to it, and we take it as one entity. However, the parish and the church are two different legal entities.

(2) A warm welcome to all of our guests who may be visiting our church today. We are happy that you are here today and we hope to see you again (or perhaps more often here in our church). Fr. Barnabás G. Kiss, OFM from Detroit was supposed to be our main celebrant for the 11AM Mass, but due to a medical emergency at his church he had to cancel his participation.

(3) On this occasion, I would like to thank all of you (both parishioners and our friends) who have contributed with your gifts, talents and treasures to our parish. Your bigheartedness is appreciated and not taken for granted. May God reward you! I will keep you all in my prayers and will offer a Mass for all our benefactors in the near future. The greatest treasure, however, that a parish can have are faith-filled, holy people. That is the purpose and reason or existence of every parish. As Saint Paul says in his first letter to the Corinthians, at the end faith, hope, and love remain (greatest of these being love that will continue into eternity with us). May Saint Emeric intercede for us to continue to grow in holiness and become people whose faith is fervent, hope is strong, and charity is perfect. Saint Emeric, pray for us! God bless you all! Fr. Bona

SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: Those of you who have children that are considering reception of First Communion or Confirmation next year, please let me know as soon as you are able so we can talk and plan for preparation.

NOTES ON MASSES: (1) Next Sunday, on November 12th, at 11AM Mass the music will be provided by our Youth choir. (2) On November 19 we will celebrate the Feast Day of St. Elizabeth. That day our 11AM Mass will be moved to the Shrine of St. Elizabeth and will begin at 11:30AM.

VOTE “NO” ON NOVEMBER BALLOTT ISSUE 1: If this proposed amendment is not defeated, it would (1) Put women at risk: • Health and safety standards in Ohio could be eliminated. Doctors could no longer need to examine a woman or explain the risks of the abortion procedure ahead of time. (2) Threaten parental rights: • A fifteen-year-old could have an abortion without her parents knowing. The current Ohio law requirement of parental notification would be removed as it directly conflicts with the proposed amendment. (3) Allow for abortions of fully formed babies: • Abortion would be legal through all 9 months of pregnancy. Physicians at an abortion clinic could use a woman’s age or emotional well-being as a reason to perform an abortion in the 3rd trimester.

ELIZABETH FEAST DAY CELEBRATION WILL BE NOVEMBER 19: Solemn Bilingual Mass at 11:30 AM followed by dinner. Dinner Menu: Cucumber salad; Bread; butter; Chicken Paprikas with Dumplings; Dessert, coffee. Cost: $25 for adults, for students $10, for children under 5 free. Please make your reservations by Wednesday November 15, by calling Virginia Kachmar (home: 216-791-6270 or cell: 216-246-2370) or Ilonka Hudak at 440-944-1384.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: Collection: $1,526; second collection: $247. May God reward your generosity in supporting the church. Thank you for sending in your donations by mail or using our website

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially for Bev Kimar, Teréz Kalász, Lajos Boday, Márta Takács, Zsuzsanna Hunyadi, Albert Kovács, Kathy Szabó, Kamilla Szabó, Dorothy Fromhercz, Alex Szaday, Virginia Kachmar, and Victor and Margaret Falk.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen

THIS SUNDAY the 11:00 AM Mass from St. Emeric church will be livestreamed at and


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