RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Remember your mercies, O Lord.


9AM: Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish

11AM: Zsolt Dömötörffy, by Éva Dömötörffy


October 2 Monday 9:00 AM † Members of the Kézdi, Szélpál, Pároska Families,
by the Family
October 3 Tuesday 9:00 AM Katalin (Almay) Volker, by Ildikó Peller
October 4 Wednesday 9:00 AM Lajos Kurta, by the Karácsony Family
October 5 Thursday 9:00 AM Andrew Balunek, by George Balunek
October 6 Friday 9:00 AM Benefactors of St. Emeric Parish
October 7 Saturday 5:00 PM János Molnár, by the Molnár Family
October 8 Sunday 9:00 AM Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish
October 8 Sunday 11:00 AM The Verkoly Family, by the Family

FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: (1) October is the month of the Rosary and includes a liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7. This feast was established by St. Pius V who attributed the great defeat of the Turkish fleet at Lepanto on the first Sunday of October, 1571, to the fact that at the same time the Rosary confraternities at Rome and elsewhere were holding their processions. Accordingly, he ordered a commemoration of the Rosary to be made on that day. Let us pray the Rosary every day and we can especially offer them for the defeat of the Issue 1 (see more on this below).

(2) Next Sunday (October 8), at 11AM the music will be provided by our Youth choir.

(3) Every October, parishes across the diocese obtain a head count at all Sunday Masses in order to determine how many parishioners attend weekend Masses. The annual Mass attendance count is intended to provide a comprehensive profile of the diocese and help the individual parishes with their planning and ministry. The two weekends designated for this purpose are: October 7-8 and October 14-15.

KEEPING THE FAITH is the name for a diocesan initiative aimed to strengthen the Catholic schools and provide a sustainable future for the presence of Catholic education. In the last 20 years, enrollment in the Catholic schools in our diocese has roughly fallen by 50% (a loss of about 25,000 students). The initiative realizes the importance of solid Catholic schools and wants to ensure their long-term presence in our midst. The steering committee of the initiative developed a strategic plan that aims to strengthen the system of elementary Catholic education by keeping it irresistibly Catholic, academically excellent, operationally sound and geographically accessible where demand exists. Part of the plan is to connect every parish in the diocese to a school (or schools in some cases) so that we all share our time, talent and treasure in this effort. Consequently, all sort of models of governance are being explored because each parish is unique. At this moment, every parish is beginning this discussion seeking a practical proposal that is to be submitted for approval to the diocese. In order to have an informed discussion and decision, I would like to ask the parents of school-age children if they could email me ( and let me know where their children go to school (Catholic school, public school, or homeschool). In case of a public school, also the information about the attendance of a PSR program would be very helpful. I plan to discuss this at the parish council and it would be great to have this information by then (October 16). After that, I will solicit comments from the parish before submitting the proposal to the diocese.

VOTE “NO” ON NOVEMBER BALLOTT ISSUE 1: If this proposed amendment is not defeated, it would (1) Put women at risk: • Health and safety standards in Ohio could be eliminated. Doctors could no longer need to examine a woman or explain the risks of the abortion procedure ahead of time. (2) Threaten parental rights: • A fifteen-year-old could have an abortion without her parents knowing. Current Ohio law requires parental notification and consent before a child under 18 can obtain an abortion. These parental right protections could be removed as they directly conflict with the amendment which would allow all individuals, including minors, to make their own reproductive decisions. (3) Allow for abortions of fully formed babies: • Abortion would be legal through all 9 months of pregnancy. Physicians at an abortion clinic could use a woman’s age or emotional well-being as a reason to perform an abortion in the 3rd trimester.

PLANNING MEETING – OUR PATRONAL FEASTDAY: On November 5, we will celebrate our patronal feastday. I would like to invite everyone who was involved in the last year’s planning meeting, or who would like to be involved in this year’s, to come on Wednesday, October 4 at 6:30PM to St. Emeric Hall to meet and plan. Thank you very much to all of you who so devotedly volunteer for the events and work at St. Emeric parish.

NEW SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE: 9AM Mass in English and 11AM Mass in Hungarian.

DATE CHANGE (UPDATED!!): the next parish council meeting: October 17 at 6:30 pm.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: ST. EMERIC PARISH: Collection: $1,996; special donation: $158; in loving memory of Marika Molnar: $195; in loving memory of Attila Szigethy: $50; May God reward your generosity in supporting the church. Thank you for sending in your donations by mail or using our website

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially for Bev Kimar, Teréz Kalász, Lajos Boday, Márta Takács, Zsuzsanna Hunyadi, Albert Kovács, Kathy Szabó, Kamilla Szabó, Anna Melega, Dorothy Fromhercz, Alex Szaday, Virginia Kachmar, and Margaret Falk.


THIS SUNDAY the 11:00 AM Mass from St. Emeric church will be livestreamed at and


Ez a bejegyzés olvasható Hungarian nyelven is.

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