SOLEMNITY OF ST. STEPHEN OF HUNGARY – August 18, 2024 (transferred)

Please, check out the Hungarian section (link at the bottom) as well, as some Hungarian related news or information may be found only there.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Blessed be King Saint Stephen!


9:00 AM: Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish

11:00 AM Dr. Joseph & Gizella Erőssy, by Peter Erőssy


August 19 Monday 9:00 AM Poor Souls in Purgatory
August 20 Tuesday 9:00 AM László Hornyák
August 21 Wednesday 9:00 AM Bp. Endre Gyulai
August 22 Thursday 9:00 AM Celebrant’s Intention
August 23 Friday 9:00 AM † Members of the Jusztin Family
August 24 Saturday 5:00 PM Jolán Prófusz
August 25 Sunday 9:00 AM Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish
August 25 Sunday 11:00 AM † Members of the Dunai Family, by Imre Karetka Family

FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: (1) A happy St. Stephen Day to all of you and welcome to our St. Stephen Mass and Picnic. St. Stephen of Hungary (c. 975-1038), the first Christian king of Hungary, is the principal patron of Hungary. He was canonized on August 20, 1083 and so he began to be liturgically commemorated on that day in the Hungarian kingdom. In 1686, Pope Innocent XI, on the occasion of the liberation of Buda from the Turkish occupation, ordered the Catholic world to commemorate St. Stephen annually on September 2 (the actual day of liberation). During the liturgical reforms of 1970, St. Joachim, whose feastday was August 16, was merged with the feast of St. Ann (July 26). Subsequently, the liturgical revisers moved St. Stephen to this vacated day so that he can be closer to his actual day of death (August 15). Therefore, on the General Roman Calendar, and thus throughout the world, St. Stephen of Hungary is commemorated on August 16. However, due to the longstanding custom, we Hungarians celebrate his feast day on August 20.

On this day, we celebrate him as the faithful son of the Church, the head of state and the father of a family. His religiosity shines through, and his charity inspires followers. He was strict, but first of all with himself, and then with his people. Thanks to the Christian foundations he laid down, the kingdom of Saint Stephen still stands today. Christian values have preserved our nation through the storms of history, and they are still the guarantee of our future. We ask St. Stephen for his powerful intercession for our Hungarian nation, for all Hungarians around the world, and for ourselves. King Saint Stephen, pray for us!

(2) If you visit our St. Stephen room, you can see an old sanctuary image there: St. Stephen kneeling before the Blessed Mother. Stephen, who was left without an heir, offered the Holy Crown and the kingdom to the Virgin Mary in Székesfehérvár on the eve of his death, August 14, 1038. As a result of this dedication, a Latin term was coined for Hungary: Regnum Marianum. It means, the “Kingdom of Mary” and it became an old Latin Catholic name for Hungary. The Legend of St. Stephen by Bishop Hartvik (end of 11th century/early 12th century), recounts this story the following way:

“At last, by the mercy of God, deserving of a hundredfold reward, he was overcome with fever, and when the day of his imminent death was no longer in doubt, he summoned the bishops and the great men of his palace who glorified the name of Christ; he first discussed with them whom they would choose to replace him as king. Then he exhorted them in a fatherly manner to keep the true faith which they had acquired; to love righteousness, to cherish the chains of heavenly love, to practice charity, to care for others with humility, but above all to tend the tender plantation of Christianity. After these words, lifting up his hands and his eyes to the stars, he cried out, “Queen of heaven, illustrious rejuvenator of this world, in my last supplications I commit the Holy Church, with its bishops and priests, the kingdom, the people and the rulers, to your protection; to them, with my last supplication to God, I commend my soul into your hands.”

EUCHARISTIC PROCESSION: The Legion of Mary of the Diocese of Cleveland invites you to a traditional Eucharistic Procession on Saturday, August 31, 2024 at 11am at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Cleveland. The event begins with Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Kevin Estabrook, Legion of Mary Spiritual Director, a Eucharistic procession through the streets of downtown Cleveland which will capture the feeling of what it would have been like to follow Jesus as His disciples did during His earthly life, while singing hymns in honor of our Lord Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and returning to the Cathedral for the recitation of the Rosary and closing prayers. All are welcome to attend. Worship Aid is provided. Please email or for more information.

LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: Collection: $1,283; Maintenance: $300; Renovation Fund: $230. May God reward your generosity in supporting the church. Thank you for sending in your donations by mail or using our website

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially for Bev Kimar, Teréz Kalász, Lajos Boday, Márta Takács, Zsuzsanna Hunyadi, Kathy Szabó, Dorothy Fromhercz, Alex Szaday, Virginia Kachmar, Margaret Falk, Mária Hokky, Stephen Palko, Imre Karetka and Aladár & Éva Fricke.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

THIS SUNDAY the 11:00 AM Mass from St. Emeric church will be livestreamed at and


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