Please, check out the Hungarian section (link at the bottom) as well, as some Hungarian related news or information may be found only there.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: The one who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.
9:00 AM: Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish
11:00 AM (St. Emeric): Celebrant’s Intention
11:00 AM (Scouts’ Day): Zoltán & Éva Szabó, by Éva Szabó
September | 2 | Monday | 9:00 AM | Frank Dobos, by Suel Altmeyer |
September | 3 | Tuesday | 9:00 AM | Jean Dobos, by Frank Dobos |
September | 4 | Wednesday | 9:00 AM | Thomas Sherman (health) |
September | 5 | Thursday | 9:00 AM | Celebrant’s Intention |
September | 6 | Friday | 9:00 AM | Joel Betters |
September | 7 | Saturday | 5:00 PM | Mária Matavovszky, by Éva Dömömörffy |
September | 8 | Sunday | 9:00 AM | Parishioners of St. Emeric Parish |
September | 8 | Sunday | 11:00 AM | Dobos Family, by Frank Dobos |
FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: (1) Eucharistic prayer, or sometimes called canon, is the central part of the Mass as it is this prayer that contains the words of consecration (at which point the ordinary piece of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ). You can always tell when the First Eucharistic Prayer (also called Roman Canon) is used. It contains a list of saints. To be exact: there are 39 saints listed (not counting the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph) and they are divide in two groups: one before the consecration and the other after. Almost like a cloud of witnesses surrounding the Lord. The first group of 24 begins with all of the Apostles—excepting Matthias, Barnabas (who appear later) and, of course, Judas Iscariot. After the Twelve Apostles we then hear a list of names that may be not be as familiar to us. Here and in the future issues of the bulletin, I will go through the list and briefly introduce them (for now I will skip the Apostles):
Linus: The second pope after St. Peter (whose name appears right after St. Joseph in the Canon), of whom we know very little. His pontificate lasted either from 64-67 or possibly 76-79.
Cletus: Like Linus, an early pope—the third including St. Peter. Often conflated in early lists with “Anacletus.” Cletus possibly reigned from 76-88, but the historical information on dates of what was essentially an underground Church at this time are imprecise.
Clement: According to tradition, Clement was ordained by St. Peter himself, and became the Supreme Pontiff after Cletus. (Here we can see the pattern in the Roman Canon: first, the parents of Jesus; then his Apostles; next his popes.) The only thing we know for certain about Clement is that, like all three of his predecessors, he died a martyr’s death.
Sixtus: The first pope of this name, and another early martyr. Or, alternately, the second pope of that name (Sixtus II). Regardless, we are still commemorating early pope-martyrs in this section of the Canon. (source: National Catholic Register)
(2) This Sunday, we are having the Hungarian Mass at the Scouts’ Day in German Central Park at 11AM. We also still have a Mass here at St. Emeric at 11AM with a visiting priest.
ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY SHRINE cordially invites you to a FALL FESTIVAL AND INTERNATIONAL DANCE RECITAL following the bilingual Holy Mass at 11:30 AM on Sunday, September 15. The fall festival will be held in Saint Elizabeth Hall and courtyard of the church. Four dance troops will perform: Leneghan Irish Dance Group, Cleveland Jr. Tamburitzans, Donnaschwaben Kultergroup, and St. Elizabeth Dancers. Music will be provided by Polka Hall of Famer Al Battistelli with the Anthony Culkar Orchestra. Festival food will be catered by Balaton Restaurant. No reservation necessary. Admission: $2 (children under 15 enter for free). Purchase of food tickets at the event.
PLANTS FOR SALE: we have several green plants for sale, if you are interested. They are located in the northeast corner stairwell (in front of St. Stephen room). To ask questions or pay, please see the staff in the bazaar.
LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: Sunday Collection: $2,120; in loving memory of János & Irén Piacsek: $100; in loving memory of Miklós Holy: $100. Maintenance: $300; St. Stephen Day picnic (additional): $300. May God reward your generosity in supporting the church. Thank you for sending in your donations by mail or using our website
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially for Bev Kimar, Teréz Kalász, Lajos Boday, Márta Takács, Zsuzsanna Hunyadi, Kathy Szabó, Dorothy Fromhercz, Alex Szaday, Virginia Kachmar, Margaret Falk, Mária Hokky, Stephen Palko, Imre Karetka and Aladár & Éva Fricke.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED, especially for Frank Dobos. The funeral arrangements are pending. Eternal rest grant him, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Ez a bejegyzés olvasható Hungarian nyelven is.
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